When Mo, Paul, others and myself started talking about wanting to lose some excess weight, I knew it would not take long, for the carboholic medication addicted low carb antis, to come out of the woodwork. As all have seen these misfits are as predictable as night follows day. Over at our main blog a post published yesterday, has had one persistent oaf commenting. Although this person can offer no sound argument against low carb, indeed they have not offered any kind of argument or critique, it has got them creaming their knickers. So let’s have a look at the low carb high fat method of weight and diabetes control.
Although many of us have successfully controlled our diabetes and weight for up to seven years, how is it I and others have put on weight. This is very easy to understand, but clearly way beyond the carb munchers understanding. Never have we ever stated a person can be low carb high fat and not gain weight. Although I do not believe a calorie is just a calorie in many ways, it should be obvious to even a person of very low intellect, there must be a level of calorie intake (what ever the food) where weight gain will occur. Clearly Mo, Paul, myself and others have exceeded that level. As you can see this is not rocket science, the only answer must be to reduce calories to reduce weight down to target levels, how easy is that?
I think I can speak for most people here, when I say we went low carb high fat to control blood glucose levels, this we have done magnificently for years. Some are on no meds, others on minimal medication. The weight loss was required and achieved by almost all, but weight loss was an added bonus for some, the most important thing for a diabetic is the control of blood glucose, the low carb higher fat lifestyle has not let us down, some of us have let LCHF down, but that is so easily remedied, as we will undoubtedly prove over the next few months.
Am I right or am I right
Link to the post here http://thelowcarbdiabetic.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/the-yorkshire-food-revolution-reducing.html
Although many of us have successfully controlled our diabetes and weight for up to seven years, how is it I and others have put on weight. This is very easy to understand, but clearly way beyond the carb munchers understanding. Never have we ever stated a person can be low carb high fat and not gain weight. Although I do not believe a calorie is just a calorie in many ways, it should be obvious to even a person of very low intellect, there must be a level of calorie intake (what ever the food) where weight gain will occur. Clearly Mo, Paul, myself and others have exceeded that level. As you can see this is not rocket science, the only answer must be to reduce calories to reduce weight down to target levels, how easy is that?
I think I can speak for most people here, when I say we went low carb high fat to control blood glucose levels, this we have done magnificently for years. Some are on no meds, others on minimal medication. The weight loss was required and achieved by almost all, but weight loss was an added bonus for some, the most important thing for a diabetic is the control of blood glucose, the low carb higher fat lifestyle has not let us down, some of us have let LCHF down, but that is so easily remedied, as we will undoubtedly prove over the next few months.
Am I right or am I right
Link to the post here http://thelowcarbdiabetic.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/the-yorkshire-food-revolution-reducing.html