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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?


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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by Jan1 Thu Apr 16 2015, 14:04

    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQn4jSDjc6nmuNZWuW4NZjRrdEe3lvSK0E8ic0l1as8sfCiYSK0w
    Well for those of you who eat scrambled eggs what are yours like?  Reading this article the question was:

    "Everyone can make scrambled eggs, right? Not quite. They go wrong. Here’s how to master them:

    Chances are you’ve been making them for years. They’re probably totally edible but completely forgettable. They’re dry and need to swim in ketchup to taste good.

    The good news? It’s never too late to start making perfect scrambled eggs. First things first, step away from the milk, cream and water.

    We've scoured the best recipes we could find to bring you the scrambled egg guide for life.

    Getting it right: Must-have kit is a non-stick pan

    To serve 4 use:
    8 eggs
    A good knob of butter
    Freshly ground black pepper

    1. In a bowl, beat together the eggs and some black pepper. Give it some elbow grease, you want to get some air in there.

    2. Melt the butter in a small, non-stick pan over a medium-low heat. This is important, so don't go rogue at this stage.

    3. Add the eggs and gently cook, stirring occasionally, until softly scrambled. Always remember to stir.

    These habits don’t help

    Adding liquid: repeat after us: "adding milk, cream or water stops today". Eggs + liquid can cause them to separate during cooking resulting in overcooked eggs and no one wants that.

    Seasoning too early: according to Gordon Ramsay it’s best to add salt at the end of cooking. Any earlier and the salt will break down the eggs and you could be left with a watery mess. Lovely.

    Being a wimp: you need to whisk those eggs vigorously before they go in the pan. You want to add air and volume to get them nice and fluffy.

    Being impatient: don’t cook them on a high heat. It’s low and slow all the way. Whatever you do, do not, we repeat, do not, put them in the oven. It will be sacrilege.

    Overcooking: take them off the heat when they still look wet (not runny) as the residual heat will keep those eggs a-cooking for a minute or so.

    Don’t forget to stir: not only will this ruin your brekkie but the pan will be a right old pain to clean too.

    Additional flourishes:

    Once you’ve mastered the basics, the scrambled egg world is your oyster.

    Spice it up. Once your butter is melted, fry some chopped onion in it before adding your eggs with some chopped chilli.

    Served sprinkled with chopped mixed fresh herbs such as flat leaf parsley, chives or dill."
    Words taken from original article here:

    So how do you make your scrambled eggs - I have to admit I quite often add double cream ! (Oh dear)

    All the best Jan

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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Re: Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by mo1905 Thu Apr 16 2015, 14:49

    I'm loathe to post this after your masterpiece Jan but I put 2 eggs in a bowl, dash of milk, knob of butter, little salt, lots of pepper, whisk up and stick in the microwave lol !
    I love it but my guess is this won't be the last post :-)

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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Re: Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by Paul1976 Thu Apr 16 2015, 14:51

    I do mine in the microwave too Mo Smile I just don't add milk as it always comes out flood damaged when I do so I lash in extra butter instead.

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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Re: Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by Sally Thu Apr 16 2015, 15:24

    I do scrambled egg as Jan, above. Must be a girl thing.
    If you want really luxurious scrambled egg, goose eggs are in season. They're not cheap, but they are big, tasty and the richest yellow colour imaginable. I do one egg between two of us for an occasional treat, when I can get them.

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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Re: Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by Jan1 Thu Apr 16 2015, 21:47

    Oh NO Paul and Mo affraid Scrambled eggs in the microwave ! What would Gordon Ramsay say ! (Err on second thoughts perhaps not write what he may say LOL)

    My dear mum always used to add one tablespoon of water per egg, and we always thought they tasted great.

    I always add cream, and double cream not single. I think the trick is using enough butter in the saucepan and of course using a non stick pan ....... come to think of it my mum always used to use a bain-marie.

    Now Sally - I'm sure Goose Eggs do make a great scrambled egg breakfast, can't say I've ever tried them, must look out for them  Smile .

    All the best Jan

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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Re: Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by Jan1 Mon May 02 2016, 18:36

    Jan1 wrote:
    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQn4jSDjc6nmuNZWuW4NZjRrdEe3lvSK0E8ic0l1as8sfCiYSK0w
    Well for those of you who eat scrambled eggs what are yours like?  Reading this article the question was:

    "Everyone can make scrambled eggs, right? Not quite. They go wrong. Here’s how to master them:

    Chances are you’ve been making them for years. They’re probably totally edible but completely forgettable. They’re dry and need to swim in ketchup to taste good.

    The good news? It’s never too late to start making perfect scrambled eggs. First things first, step away from the milk, cream and water.

    We've scoured the best recipes we could find to bring you the scrambled egg guide for life.

    Getting it right: Must-have kit is a non-stick pan

    To serve 4 use:
    8 eggs
    A good knob of butter
    Freshly ground black pepper

    1. In a bowl, beat together the eggs and some black pepper. Give it some elbow grease, you want to get some air in there.

    2. Melt the butter in a small, non-stick pan over a medium-low heat. This is important, so don't go rogue at this stage.

    3. Add the eggs and gently cook, stirring occasionally, until softly scrambled. Always remember to stir.

    These habits don’t help

    Adding liquid: repeat after us: "adding milk, cream or water stops today". Eggs + liquid can cause them to separate during cooking resulting in overcooked eggs and no one wants that.

    Seasoning too early: according to Gordon Ramsay it’s best to add salt at the end of cooking. Any earlier and the salt will break down the eggs and you could be left with a watery mess. Lovely.

    Being a wimp: you need to whisk those eggs vigorously before they go in the pan. You want to add air and volume to get them nice and fluffy.

    Being impatient: don’t cook them on a high heat. It’s low and slow all the way. Whatever you do, do not, we repeat, do not, put them in the oven. It will be sacrilege.

    Overcooking: take them off the heat when they still look wet (not runny) as the residual heat will keep those eggs a-cooking for a minute or so.

    Don’t forget to stir: not only will this ruin your brekkie but the pan will be a right old pain to clean too.

    Additional flourishes:

    Once you’ve mastered the basics, the scrambled egg world is your oyster.

    Spice it up. Once your butter is melted, fry some chopped onion in it before adding your eggs with some chopped chilli.

    Served sprinkled with chopped mixed fresh herbs such as flat leaf parsley, chives or dill."
    Words taken from original article here:

    So how do you make your scrambled eggs - I have to admit I quite often add double cream ! (Oh dear)

    All the best Jan

    Oh dear ...
    Naughty Me ... Embarassed

    Bumping up this post!

    But sometimes it's good to have a re-read Smile

    All the best Jan

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    Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ? Empty Re: Is This How To Cook The Perfect Scrambled Egg ?

    Post by Wobblycogs Tue Aug 04 2020, 12:29

    Hi Jan,

    Having just got back on the wagon of low carb, (After a disastrous year in 2019) I am consuming a lot of eggs. Scrambled is my pet way of cooking them.
    I use a good non-stick saucepan, scramble the eggs in it with a wooden spoon, over gentle heat. I try to leave some moisture in the eggs, so they are a little 'runny'. That makes them just right for me; scrambled as opposed to a rubbery lump that could be mistaken for an omelette. I don't add any liquids at all, (sometimes a little butter) and i can often see bits of cooked white in there.

    That's how I like 'em!

    I do like omelettes of course, but usually have those with my rib-eye or my pork chops. For a treat I add a little double cream!

    Goose Eggs.

    If you can get them they are delicious however you cook them. The whites tend to be a bit runny and to solve that you need to cook them for longer; this means overcooking the yolks if you are not careful!

    Best as always

    John thumb-up

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