by Jan1 Tue Dec 30 2014, 18:29
I think walking must be one of my families favourite hobbies, it's certainly one of mine. It's great to be outdoors, the better the weather is certainly helps - but even on wet, windy or cold days walking can lift the spirit. I've never owned a dog, but those who do certainly must enjoy their walk as much as the dog, well I hope they do.
As reported on another thread my new year resolution is to have at least an extra walk a week. It doesn't need to be a long walk just a walk to enjoy.
Looking around the Forum I see Yoly put a great article on (a little time a go now ) about walking and how it can help people who have osteoarthritis in their knees. Research has found it can delay the course of their disease by moving more. Many people may think that exercise causes the cartilage in joints to wear down in people with arthritis, and that they should therefore not do anything to put pressure on their joints, this is not entirely correct.
If you are interested in knees, the effect of exercise etc. this article is well worth a read and is plainly and clearly set out, you'll find the link on Yoly's first post.
In the meantime I'm looking forward to some winter walks ....... and keeping bad knees at bay
All the best Jan