In a former working life, Dr. Jay Wortman was an engineer. Dr Richard Bernstein was an engineer. Bob Krause was an engineer too. Is this just a coincidence? Perhaps not. This is purely anecdotal, but I have found that many of the most creative-thinkers in the area of health and nutrition have a background in engineering. One of the sharpest minds in the blogosphere is Dr. Michael R. Eades. I’m sure you’re aware of his site, and would agree with him on most things regarding diet and health. He too began his career as an engineer. I was an engineer for over twenty years. Engineers are problem solvers and are usually very logical people. So often when something looks right, it is right. Simple is always best and engineers have a sixth sense when something is wrong.
What’s all this got to do with type two diabetes you may be asking yourself. Well, for me controlling type two diabetes is all down to logical thinking. What causes diabetic complications ? High BG. What causes high BG ? carbs, reduce carbs, reduce BG, diabetes sorted. What about the loss of carbs re nutrients ? Carbs such as spuds, rice, pasta and bread etc. low in nutrients, replace with high nutrient foods, problem solved. How logical could that be ? Far too logical for most Doctors and Dietitions etc. it appears.
What’s all this got to do with type two diabetes you may be asking yourself. Well, for me controlling type two diabetes is all down to logical thinking. What causes diabetic complications ? High BG. What causes high BG ? carbs, reduce carbs, reduce BG, diabetes sorted. What about the loss of carbs re nutrients ? Carbs such as spuds, rice, pasta and bread etc. low in nutrients, replace with high nutrient foods, problem solved. How logical could that be ? Far too logical for most Doctors and Dietitions etc. it appears.