Being a Bible student, I think this may not be as far fetched as it seems.
Before the flood, people lived for hundreds of years - some up to 900+.
Before the flood humans were vegetarian.
After the flood they became meat eaters. This man not only never ate meat, he also consumed herbs known for their longevity support.
I'm not saying eating meat is the cause of a shortened life-span, but could it contribute in some way?
Plants do not seem to stress the digestive system in the same way meat does.
We view 100 years as pretty amazing nowadays, and 200+ years as unattainable, but considering most of the World eats meat in some form now, we have nothing to compare with.
His forebears were also herbalists it seems, who knew the foods that would give them good nutrition, so he undoubtedly came from very strong stock. So many come from weak stock these days, a vegetarian diet could end up doing more harm than good.
There is a World of difference between eating a vegetarian diet and eating a highly nutritious vegetarian diet, and these days few would know the difference.
Being a Bible student, I think this may not be as far fetched as it seems.
Before the flood, people lived for hundreds of years - some up to 900+.
Before the flood humans were vegetarian.
After the flood they became meat eaters. This man not only never ate meat, he also consumed herbs known for their longevity support.
I'm not saying eating meat is the cause of a shortened life-span, but could it contribute in some way?
Plants do not seem to stress the digestive system in the same way meat does.
We view 100 years as pretty amazing nowadays, and 200+ years as unattainable, but considering most of the World eats meat in some form now, we have nothing to compare with.
His forebears were also herbalists it seems, who knew the foods that would give them good nutrition, so he undoubtedly came from very strong stock. So many come from weak stock these days, a vegetarian diet could end up doing more harm than good.
There is a World of difference between eating a vegetarian diet and eating a highly nutritious vegetarian diet, and these days few would know the difference.