Did you know we are two years old!!!
Yes, it was August 2014 that the low carb diabetic forum launched
A lot has happened in those two years, people have come and gone ... dis-appeared and come back!
BUT, we are still here!
Thanks to all who have written, commented, read and supported the low carb cause.
There is still much to be done but the word is getting out there (some would say it is out there)
Diabetics, and those who are not diabetics, can gain so much from living the LCHF lifestyle.
The choice is down to the individual, but I for one feel good living my life this way.
But throughout these two years the low carb message remains un-changed and in my opinion still needs to be 'out there' helping others.
In fact I have embraced the LCHF for eight years now, and had I known about it before then would have embraced this lifestyle earlier.
I wrote this back in March 2014
What a Difference Diabetes Can Make.
I would ask you to please go and read it
All the best Jan
Yes, it was August 2014 that the low carb diabetic forum launched
A lot has happened in those two years, people have come and gone ... dis-appeared and come back!
BUT, we are still here!
Thanks to all who have written, commented, read and supported the low carb cause.
There is still much to be done but the word is getting out there (some would say it is out there)
Diabetics, and those who are not diabetics, can gain so much from living the LCHF lifestyle.
The choice is down to the individual, but I for one feel good living my life this way.
But throughout these two years the low carb message remains un-changed and in my opinion still needs to be 'out there' helping others.
In fact I have embraced the LCHF for eight years now, and had I known about it before then would have embraced this lifestyle earlier.
I wrote this back in March 2014
What a Difference Diabetes Can Make.
I would ask you to please go and read it
All the best Jan