These days its almost impossible to see a GPs. Most surgery’s no-longer take booking in advance and most GPs these days only want to see patients over the phone. If you do manage to see a GPs which means if your working taking a morning or afternoon off you get 10 minute if that, with some prat.
Which brings me to my latest grumble “Drug Reviews” something that I don’t recall GPs doing 5 years ago.
Of having you in every 6 months to discuss the bloody drug regimes they put you on. Which I find is nothing more than a exercise in time wasting.
I’m on several medication that I have taken for well over 10 years which includes drugs for diabetes.
I went in for repeat prescription and got told I was over due for a drug review, fine can I book appointment with my GP, got the answer No.
So when my GP in surgery, got told he's on holiday until next week. I explained I’m running short of medication less than three days supply, one that is vital. Basically I could die within a short period of not taking it.
Got told by the receptionist that I could not be issued with any further prescription without a review.
She then became hostile after I called her a silly kid, which she replied I’m adult I’m 28, which I counter replied with then start acting your age then.
I ended up getting appoint there and then with another of the practice doctors who is foreign.
At the appoint I had to sit through a pitch in a thick accent for additional drugs and a change of medication that I don’t want.
Every time I go for a drug review its the same dross.
They want to take me of a drug that keep me alive for over 10 years and been on the market for over 30 years to put me on some other that’s only been on the market for relatively short period of time and got a load of negative reviews. If it ain't broken!
After he stopped talking I told him straight I'm not going to be changing my medication, that he need to work on his accent so he could speak English more clearly and I had to take time of work for this bollocks.
And it is bollocks, the medical profession especially GPs practices are becoming less fit for purpose by the day.
Which brings me to my latest grumble “Drug Reviews” something that I don’t recall GPs doing 5 years ago.
Of having you in every 6 months to discuss the bloody drug regimes they put you on. Which I find is nothing more than a exercise in time wasting.
I’m on several medication that I have taken for well over 10 years which includes drugs for diabetes.
I went in for repeat prescription and got told I was over due for a drug review, fine can I book appointment with my GP, got the answer No.
So when my GP in surgery, got told he's on holiday until next week. I explained I’m running short of medication less than three days supply, one that is vital. Basically I could die within a short period of not taking it.
Got told by the receptionist that I could not be issued with any further prescription without a review.
She then became hostile after I called her a silly kid, which she replied I’m adult I’m 28, which I counter replied with then start acting your age then.
I ended up getting appoint there and then with another of the practice doctors who is foreign.
At the appoint I had to sit through a pitch in a thick accent for additional drugs and a change of medication that I don’t want.
Every time I go for a drug review its the same dross.
They want to take me of a drug that keep me alive for over 10 years and been on the market for over 30 years to put me on some other that’s only been on the market for relatively short period of time and got a load of negative reviews. If it ain't broken!
After he stopped talking I told him straight I'm not going to be changing my medication, that he need to work on his accent so he could speak English more clearly and I had to take time of work for this bollocks.
And it is bollocks, the medical profession especially GPs practices are becoming less fit for purpose by the day.
Last edited by Missy1 on Sun Nov 30 2014, 00:15; edited 1 time in total