"Instant Coffee Is It Good or Bad For You?
"Coffee is one of the world's most popular drinks.
It tastes delicious and, for most people, it is a very healthy drink.
However, there are many different types of coffee, and some people claim that instant coffee isn't as healthy as the freshly ground variety.
There are a lot of facts and myths behind this claim, so this article aims to set the record straight.
In this article, we will examine instant coffee's nutrition profile and how it compares to regular coffee.
Most importantly, we'll look at what the studies say."
"For a real coffee connoisseur, instant coffee is never going to match up to a properly brewed cup. The taste just cannot compare.
However, that isn't what instant coffee is trying to be.
Instead, it offers a cheap and convenient option that is simple to make and easily transportable.
It is also a gentler option for those who don't metabolize caffeine well.
The health benefits are fairly similar, and the risks posed by acrylamide to human health haven't been firmly established.
With this in mind, instant coffee is a decent option for those who don't care about drinking the best quality coffee."
Read all of his article here
All the best Jan