I'm quite a fan of coffee, but am sitting wondering why it makes me tired, I'm an insomniac in general, middle of the night waker (yes that's waker) so anyway, I was sitting here wondering how when I drink coffee in the evening it's like taking a sleeping pill (not that I ever tried that)
and then I started wondering if it's connected to adrenaline *allergy* the dentist diagnosed me with years ago (if I go to dentist and they jab me with the local anastetic that contains adrenaline I go home a crash out, I mean comatose, the dentist reckoned it could be an allergy to adrenaline so tried the kind without it in and hey presto I was fine, although I'm not sure you can be allergic to a hormone? That occurs naturally)
So I'm think coffee and adrenaline are suppose to be a stimulant but both zonk me out, I've been googling it and there is little to suggest I'm not just weird but I found this
If you are wondering "why does coffee make me tired?" another reason is the way the caffeine affects your insulin, dampening its sensitivity. Insulin detects sugar within the bloodstream and makes sure the body uptakes it to produce energy. When your insulin doesn’t work correctly, you have less sugar accessible as energy, leading to a feeling of tiredness.
This to me sounds like it could be something to do with my insulin sensitivity, anyone heard of anything like it before?
Yippee I got to the question
Thanks in advance if anyone got to the end, I tried to add paragraphs, if they are in the wrong place, at least I tried and God loves a tryer