"The question then remains: Are we approaching primary prevention of coronary artery disease correctly by just screening for and treating diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia, while ignoring insulin resistance?"
The spirit of Joseph Kraft lives on.
While we're on the subject
Elevations of metabolic risk factors 20 years or more before diagnosis of type 2
diabetes – experience from the AMORIS study.
"CONCLUSIONS — Development of T2D is associated with subtle elevations of glucose and
lipids more than 20 years before diagnosis. This suggests that diabetogenic processes tied to
chronic insulin resistance operate for decades prior to the development of T2D. A simple risk
classification can help in early identification of individuals at increased risk "
Wait there's more
So What Comes First:
The Obesity or the Insulin Resistance? And Which Is
More Important?
Timothy David Noakes*
Fasting glucose levels within the high normal range predict cardiovascular outcome
"The question then remains: Are we approaching primary prevention of coronary artery disease correctly by just screening for and treating diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia, while ignoring insulin resistance?"
The spirit of Joseph Kraft lives on.
While we're on the subject
Elevations of metabolic risk factors 20 years or more before diagnosis of type 2
diabetes – experience from the AMORIS study.
"CONCLUSIONS — Development of T2D is associated with subtle elevations of glucose and
lipids more than 20 years before diagnosis. This suggests that diabetogenic processes tied to
chronic insulin resistance operate for decades prior to the development of T2D. A simple risk
classification can help in early identification of individuals at increased risk "
Wait there's more
So What Comes First:
The Obesity or the Insulin Resistance? And Which Is
More Important?
Timothy David Noakes*
Fasting glucose levels within the high normal range predict cardiovascular outcome