Eddie wrote: Wobblycogs wrote:This afternoon I had to call out the local water company to clear a blocked sewer pipe which runs under my property. When the job was done, I asked the foreman what the problem had been. His answer, 'Fat build-up in the drain'.
My response: 'Someone has been putting waste cooking fat down the plughole?'
'No. I mean human waste fat. We can tell by the appearance and the smell that it is fat excreted with human sewage in the natural way.'
I have never heard this explanation before despite having had the blocked drain on three previous occasions. So, is this another grain of proof that the human digestive system expels any fat it doesn't require, rather than laying it down to cause obesity? Is this being overlooked or suppressed? Or have I an over fertile imagination?
Any views?
"'No. I mean human waste fat. We can tell by the appearance and the smell that it is fat excreted with human sewage in the natural way"
Only a BDA dietitian could believe that statement to be true.
Think about it, excreting energy goes against all known science. When we eat excess calories they are stored as body fat, this is how we are supposed to work, without this phenomenon, the human race would have become extinct almost as soon as we evolved. Check out animals in the wild like bears or reindeer. In the summer when food is plentiful they spend much time eating and getting fat, this ensures they can live through the winter when food is very hard to come by. It was the same for human beings, they could survive famines. Those able to get fat, survived. Now most in the western world never have a famine, and many eat too much, hence millions are overweight.
Look at the situation another way. If some bright bugger, came up with a way we could eat what we like, and excrete the excess calories, he would swiftly become the richest man in the world. Excuse the pun, but I think the theory is bullshit.
I give up! Experts tell me we must eat whole-grains and roughage et al. Other experts tell me not to touch grains. Others say calories don't count. Some others say eat as much meat and fish and fat as you wish, and you won't put on weight if you avoid stodge. And yes, I have seen mention that we cannot store digested fat. That is why it doesn't make us fat, when we go low-carb. If fat is not fattening, and can't be stored, what exactly does happen to it?
My diet seems to be working, so from now on, whilst I don't know why it works, I will just accept that it does. If I eat starchy carbs and sugars, I stop losing weight. When I cut out these foods I start losing again. And if I drink milk, look out bathroom! If excess calories make us obese, (Assuming we don't burn them off) why am I losing weight, despite tucking away all this calorie dense food, such as beef, lamb, pork, bacon, and so on! And I am eating far more calories than when I was easting 'healthily' according to Government guidelines.
As for the calorie theory, when I was young, I had no problems with weight. From my late teens, right up until I was thirty, I stayed between 11.5 and 12 stones. In 1965 I joined the police force and all that lovely walking worked well. I could eat whatever I wished. (Well I always could do anyhow.) When Panda Cars were introduced, I put on a stone in no time. Then I went on the Dog Section. More walking, and the weight came off again. Never went to a gym, as I couldn't see any point. I was in A1 condition; as long as I walked and kept moving. (Okay, I did do a lot of gardening and hand-woodwork. which helped I suppose. But no jogging.) I agree, exercise is important, but somewhere there must be a switch in our metabolism, otherwise we'd waste away!
I heard about 'The first law of thermodynamics'; energy in = energy out. (The calorie balance theory) The problem is, that is true only in a closed system; which the human body is not. So should I give up low-carb and go over to calorie controlled, eating anything I wish. If the calories in = calories out was true, it should not matter what foods we eat, as long as we burn off what we eat. Let's see where that gets me!!! Somehow I don't think it will work. Low carb works for me, so I don't care whether or not we can expel unused energy. That's what I am sticking with. As Yul Bryner said, in 'The King and I'; 'Is a puzzlement!'
PS I have stopped taking my BS readings. They are high in the morning on an empty stomach. They don't go through the roof if I do eat sugar, and I don't f eel ill when I fancy a wine gum, or two. I take the metformin (500mg) because the Doc asked me to. My blood problems seem to be in regression, and my BP is also normalising. I just wish I had found out about this 20 years ago!