I was diagnosed T2 on 24 March this year with an HbA1c of 65, after months of listlessness but without any other of the classic T2 symptoms. It was announced by a prat of a junior locum GP who was only really interested in prescribing me statins (total cholesterol was 6.9 at the time) and got rid of me in about 5 minutes flat saying to make an appointment to see the DN (not even a suggestion of metformin at that time). It was handy in a way that I couldn't get an appointment for three weeks ...
A bit shocked of course, but as a scientist and a stubborn get (not always in that order) I got straight on the internet and found diabetes.co.uk and through that dietdoctor.com, and after a few nanoseconds of doubt about the HF bit, just launched straight into LCHF at around 50g/day. The interesting bit was wondering how I would cope with cravings (I had been a fiendish consumer of bread, toast, croissants etc) but I can honestly say I haven't had any - yet. I'm perfectly comfortable with cooked breakfasts (or Greek yoghurt), Mediterranean style 'tapas' lunches and meat/fish with veg or salad for dinner. In fact I've probably settled into too comfortable a routine and could do with eating a bit less processed meat - bacon, salami, burgers etc, albeit good quality ones if that's not oxymoronic. I did have a slice of toast with eggs for breakfast sometimes, but although that seemed to be OK at 2 hours I didn't like the BG rise at 1 hour so I don't even have that now. We'll see how I cope next time I go to the south of France.
Anyway, having armed myself with a meter by the time I did see the DN I had already got my fasting levels down to 7s and had lost 5 kg in weight, so there wasn't much she could say. She was actually quite receptive unofficially, even though she had to go through the NICE motions. She said she had another scientist diabetic who was doing very well on Atkins, so not dismissive by any means. We parted on good terms with an acceptance that I would carry on med free until my next review - including the statins which I told her I wasn't taking and why, having read Kendrick and Graveline by this time.
Last month I had my next HbA1c and lipids, which are in my sig. 65 to 45 in just under 4 months, lipid breakdown much better, and liver function vastly improved. Had a consultation by phone with my proper GP who was suitably impressed and didn't try to question the low carbing when I explained how I had done it. I've now also lost 17% of my March bodyweight (lots of walking and I bought a rowing machine) and will see what I look/feel like at 70 kg to see if I want to go further. Fasting BGs are averaging in the high 5s although I am still trying to train my liver - it's a bit like training cats, sometimes they do what you want but it's really only on their terms.
Overall I can almost say I'm grateful for having been diagnosed T2. It gave me the kick up the backside I needed to sort out my weight, and gave me a new lifestyle in which I feel fitter and livelier than I have in years. Mind you I found out after diagnosis when digging for old blood test results that I had an HbA1c of 44 in 2008 which they never said anything about, so I could have started all this a bit sooner. But we are where we are.