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    A walking scientific miracle?


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    Male Posts : 3807
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    A walking scientific miracle?  Empty A walking scientific miracle?

    Post by Eddie Wed Jul 29 2015, 13:12

    A walking scientific miracle?

    Over the weekend Jan and myself attended a big family 40th. wedding anniversary party. I got talking to a guy who is a type two diabetic. A big guy and definitely carrying some excess blubber (nothing unusual there) he was around sixty years of age, a typical case I thought. I asked him a few questions. He stated his Doctor had just taken him off Gliclazide as it was doing him no good. I reckon Glic does nobody any good but, onwards and upwards. He said he was on 120 units of insulin a day and and best BG numbers were 12 to 14. His diet was the usual carb up and shoot up, no surprise there. I was thinking a typical case, a few years in, and very poor control caused by pitiful dietary information. But he blew my brains out when I asked him how long he had been a type two diabetic, 31 years he replied.

    The only possible diabetes related complication was balanitis he has suffered from a few times, a medical condition I had never heard of, and us men can certainly do without. What staggered me is the fact someone could run grim numbers for decades and still be standing on two good feet etc. As you would expect I gave him the full low carb spiel and he did say he had recently got hold of The Diabetes Solution (Bernstein) and intended to read it.

    Like many diabetics I go off the plan maybe once or at most twice a month, usually at a party or whatever, and that results in a BG number around ten. After talking to the aforementioned guy I am wondering am I too strict with myself. OK, I am sticking to the plan, but it is amazing what some people can get away with.

      Current date/time is Sun Nov 17 2024, 12:35