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    Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?


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    Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers? Empty Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

    Post by graham64 Thu Apr 30 2015, 22:49

    Death rates from type 1 diabetes in UK males aged 15 to 24 have almost doubled since 2000.

    Young British men have a problem with diabetes. Recent studies have highlighted that death rates from type 1 diabetes in boys and men aged 15 to 24 years have almost doubled since 2000 in the UK. This is higher than reported death rates among young men with diabetes in other European countries. Why has type 1 diabetes become such a problem for our young people?

    This should not be happening young diabetics should be getting more support from their diabetes teams

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    Female Posts : 344
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    Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers? Empty Re: Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

    Post by Indy51 Thu Apr 30 2015, 23:00

    I think that as a society we are losing the art of resilience in the face of adversity Question

    But definitely the lack of resources (in it seems every area) for training and support are seriously lacking.

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    Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers? Empty Re: Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

    Post by Jan1 Fri May 01 2015, 10:40

    First paragaph from the article:

    "Young British men have a problem with diabetes. Recent studies have highlighted that death rates from type 1 diabetes in boys and men aged 15 to 24 years have almost doubled since 2000 in the UK. This is higher than reported death rates among young men with diabetes in other European countries. Why has type 1 diabetes become such a problem for our young people?"

    This should not be happening. Better support is needed from HCP / Educators / Parents. An awareness or pehaps more awareness to the problems that can be faced.

    .... If parents like Lisa can support her son and allow him to live and manage his Type 1 diabetes so well then so can others. Just read about their success story here

    Or Lisa's own blog here

    All the best Jan
    Mrs Vimes
    Mrs Vimes

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    Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers? Empty Re: Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

    Post by Mrs Vimes Sat May 02 2015, 07:57

    I think there are a number of things here. I've worked with parents of type 1 who are desparately trying their best and would swop places in a heart beat. But the kids undermine it because God love them they want to be 'normal'. Who wouldn't?
    Who wants to hypo in front of their mates to get the p taken out of them?
    Away from parents they eat what their friends eat. Not all though.
    Then there is the guidance provided for type 1s.
    What kid wants their parents 'hassling' them all the time? They are growing up and want independence - even when we know that they are not ready?
    I find being type 1 bloody weary some days but as an adult I understand that if I took a holiday from it I could cause serious damage.
    (If I could have a day off I'd sit on the couch and eat Every flavour of Ben and Jerrys I could!)
    I consider myself to be lucky to have been 20 years old when diagnosed and I come from a family full of T2 and T1. I'd gone through my rebellious stage (very short Mick Hucknall hair stlyle with John Lennon glasses). And I saw the tragic complications that could happen.
    No one else was involved in my care except me. And amazingly enough I was quite sensible.
    I think the teenage rebellious stage has a lot of input on the care / lack of care.
    I think the care should include some sort of counselling for the young men and the parents.
    Then there's the issue of diabulimia - a whole other tragic affair.

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    Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers? Empty Re: Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

    Post by mo1905 Sat May 02 2015, 19:58

    Do we know what the primary cause of death is in these youngsters or is it a mix ? Such a shame.

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