Promoting a low carb high fat lifestyle for the safe control of diabetes. Eat whole fresh food, more drugs are not the answer.

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Urgent message for all members! - Tue Sep 22 2015, 13:16

I have something to put to Mr Panasar...I joined his site in early 2012,completely unaware of 'Carb wars' and the like and had no side or axe to grind,I settled on LCHF as that was the only way of eating that worked for me-No hidden agenda...What surprised me a lot though was that there was a handful of members who were almost always guaranteed to de-rail any thread that involved low carb or sat fats in the's an example and quite a mild case of de-railing from this member as there was much worse

"Dr Kendrick, high fat, lipids etc quack quack quack here we go again Laughing"

This was just trolling-plain and simple yet no action was taken and several years later-This comment still stands and I noticed a trend with certain posters continuing to derail threads with provocative statements,sometimes aimed at me,I'd try and defend myself yet I'd be the one who received the warnings/bannings etc whilst the offending members posts would stand with no repercussions,before the 'Like' button I was banned for 2 weeks for replying to a member with +1 which I meant as "I agree" or "I like" and eventually I was permanently banned for no real reason along with a lie told by admin about my so called "Multiple user accounts" I had 2 in fact with the first one being closed as I asked for it to be banned myself and the Paul-1976 account that I was banned on along with 2 other members-one of whom had given many hours of time for free as a moderator for the DCUK forum and who was very well liked and another being a man who had spent hours helping newly diagnosed diabetics to a better place...What did we all have in common? We advocated low carb!!!
The same people are still de-railing to this day and seem untouchable but it's no secret that many of these people go back a long way with and are friendly with a lot of the current forum moderators-Does that situation sound fair and unbiased? The answer is no! The moderation seems to be ruled by personal feelings and infractions only handed out to people who 'Aren't in the circle' so to speak...As a 'Clique' or an exclusive club no problems but this is supposed to be "Europe's largest diabetes forum" is it not and surely there's no place for 'Clique's' and biased moderation on such a site?

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