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Total bullshit and all this anti Muslim rubbish - Mon Jan 12 2015, 21:39

You are right. Some people are not happy if they can't blame someone else for their problems. And it is all bullshit. I loved the response of the Australians #I'll ride with you.
The normal, every day Muslims must live in fear every time something like this happens because of the possibility of reprisals. That's an awful way to live.
I have taught children who happen to be Muslim. The majority of them were respectful, hardworking and focussed. A joy to teach. Their parents also lovely to work with.
I saw the Sunday programme with a studio debate about religion and humanists. What cracked me up was a reply by a humanist (I think) something along the lines of 'let's see how many Christians we can name who have murdered in the name of God'.
If they had tried the programme would still be filming today.
Treat others as you want to be treated- I think that is present in most religious scripts in one form or another. And most people without a religion also follow something along those lines.
You just know that there are idiots who will use this as an excuse to persecute someone.

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