Has anyone else eaten any butter beans whilst low carbing?
I did the other day and they had a very odd effect on my blood sugars; hardly anything.
On the tin they say that they have about 12 grams of carb per 100 g and of that 0.5 grams sugars.
For the amount I ate I would ordinarily needed to have given myself 20 units of insulin but only had 5 (as this has happened before) and that worked really well. I had them with our evening meal; they were in a chorizo stew and woke up the next day in with blood sugars in the 4.0s. So, unless I had some bizarre peak and trough in the night (which I could have to be honest) they seem to be a type of carb that I can tolerate.
Anyone else had any run ins with these beans?
On a different topic I was reading DUK the other day and thought; it's all calmed down nicely, none of the people who normally annoy me seem to be posting. I then remembered that I'd 'ignored' most of the key annoyers so I couldn't see their comments; when I unignored them dozens of idiotic posts swept back into my browser. A lesson there I think...