The video will not play for me but there is a transcript
After the American College of Physicians released new guidelines for patients with type 2 diabetes last month, the recommendation for less-intensive blood sugar control had many other diabetes organizations voicing their concerns. In this exclusive video, Susan E. Spratt, MD, of Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., weighs the pros and cons of this new update, discusses how the American Diabetes Association has responded, and gives her own recommendations for clinicians treating patients with type 2 diabetes.
After the American College of Physicians released new guidelines for patients with type 2 diabetes last month, the recommendation for less-intensive blood sugar control had many other diabetes organizations voicing their concerns. In this exclusive video, Susan E. Spratt, MD, of Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., weighs the pros and cons of this new update, discusses how the American Diabetes Association has responded, and gives her own recommendations for clinicians treating patients with type 2 diabetes.