This was my salvation course I was specifically told by my doctor NOT to use a meter, as most people aren't.
It quickly showed that my fasting was usually around normal but could go high or low especially after a prolonged fast, like for blood tests. My two hour postprandials were generally around normal too. My 1 hour numbers were generally high, and depending how high they went the three - four hour postprandials would go low. I've described it as the insulin turning up late to the party and then hanging around after all the glucose had gone home.
Trigs/HDL ratio was nearly 7, which rapidly reduced to around and usually below 1, so I nailed my IR.
The most important thing I discovered was a massive change in carb tolerance over the day. Initially I was limited to around 15g at breakfast and around 30g by evening. After low carbing for a while (plus getting older!) the morning number dropped to around 10g carbs but by evening I could get away with 50 - 80g and sometimes over 100g without spiking too badly. Not that I DO, but I CAN. Mostly I aim at around 50g carbs with most in the evening. Cutting out wheat completely helped with a load of other symptoms too, it soon became apparent that it spiked my BG even worse than sugar, and the only thing worse was wheat mixed with other carbs. I suspect wheat germ agglutinin rather than gluten - it affects insulin receptors.
The controversial bit is that I gave up bothering to test when most of my numbers were between 4 - 6 and occasionally 7 or so. I've been principally dependent on fats and ketones since then and my current "test" is to sniff my early morning pee. If it smells of ketones but not so much during the rest of the day then I reckon I am using them at around the same rate I am generating them. As a result since I am no longer dependent on glucose even when it drops it no longer gives me symptoms.
Like most people I spent (wasted) my life dutifully eating "low fat" with what fat I did eat being "vegetable oils" ie. high Omega 6. I never gained weight until AFTER I met a dietician, who insisted on deleting even avocados and nuts and replacing them with even more carbs. I always used to get starving hungry ("hangry") every two to four hours, which I now know to result from the rapid BG drops, and the dietician left me constantly hungry and semipermanently exhausted, and my lipids got worse and my BP climbed inexorably, so naturally I was accused of "failing to comply" with the diet.
When I actually DID fail to comply with the diet I improved rapidly. Now I eat a thickly buttered oatcake with smoked salmon for breakfast - just enough to tell my liver that my throat hasn't been cut - then I routinely go 5 - 8 hours and often 10 hours or more without getting hungry, and I don't bother to eat until I am. Often I only have one "meal" any time between late afternoon and late evening. Sometimes (more often in winter or the day after I've been active) I eat two smaller meals. I often don't snack but sometimes I may have nuts or even another buttered oatcake with salmon or ham, or cheese. I had one with cheese just now!
Does any of this sound familiar at all? Not necessarily suggesting the same will work for you, but that if you test and stick at it you will probably find your own "sweet spot".