For the last month I have been monitoring my post breakfast Blood Sugar levels more closely.
I usually have a fried breakfast (except for the eggs, as I prefer my eggs poached.) and I have a small serving of tinned tomatoes. After each breakfast (2 hours or thereabouts) the highest reading I have obtained is 6.8 the lowest 5.4 (so far) The readings are close to non-diabetic levels, and I am wondering if this is due to the Metformin, or have I turned a corner?
I've never had the slightest ill-effects from any sugar I might have eaten when I fall to temptation. So, I am mystified. Maybe a visit to the Doctor is in order, for a proper fasting tolerance test, and some blood samples get my readings checked.
Oh, by the way, my weight is still falling steadily!
Has anyone experienced this 'phenomenon?
I usually have a fried breakfast (except for the eggs, as I prefer my eggs poached.) and I have a small serving of tinned tomatoes. After each breakfast (2 hours or thereabouts) the highest reading I have obtained is 6.8 the lowest 5.4 (so far) The readings are close to non-diabetic levels, and I am wondering if this is due to the Metformin, or have I turned a corner?
I've never had the slightest ill-effects from any sugar I might have eaten when I fall to temptation. So, I am mystified. Maybe a visit to the Doctor is in order, for a proper fasting tolerance test, and some blood samples get my readings checked.
Oh, by the way, my weight is still falling steadily!
Has anyone experienced this 'phenomenon?