Derek wrote:Hi,
The media are replete with claims that we need to reduce saturated fat if we are not to cause an increase in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Is the science behind this position sound or is too much fat very hard to take in due to becoming satiated?
Hi Derek
In my first career I trained as an Aerospace Engineer. Very often, in fact most of the time, the job was about problem solving. Sometimes the problem seemed so complex it appeared to be insurmountable. At that stage I went back to basics, started again at the beginning, the same applies to diet.
Human beings and other animals store excess calories as saturated fat, this is how we have evolved to survive. The human race would not exist if we could not store some excess saturated fat to survive the famine. A few years ago the boffins came up with a very low fat formula milk for babies. It was a complete disaster, babies failed to develop properly and it was quietly dumped.
One area the medics agree on is breast milk is best for babies and infants, contains saturated fat. I have asked medics when does saturated fat become a killer? at one year old, two years old, three years old? The fact is fats from natural foods have never been a killer. Never have I received a straight answer. Man mad fats are a very different proposition.
The way I see it, when man meddles with nature there is always a price to pay, nature will always win. Whether you believe in God, evolution or some other creator, the right foods for us to eat, have been provided for us from the start, around 3 million years ago. All animals have the good sense to eat the best food for them when available. Man is the only animal clever enough to create his own food, and then stupid enough to eat it.
Every well controlled diabetic I know (I know a lot) has reduced carbs markedly and upped saturated fat intake. Their blood tests and well-being confirms they made the right decision.
So, saturated fat does not cause insulin resistance. "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." Hippocrates. Over two thousand years ago those words were uttered by the Father of medicine, they stand good today. Never has the food we eat had greater influence over our lives. Traditional foods and healthy eating has been usurped by the multinational food giants. Do not become a victim of poor dietary information. Eat the food we evolved from, the less man is involved, the healthier the food.
Last word to Doctor Malcolm Kendrick.
“The reality is that over the years, and around the world we have killed literally millions of diabetics by advising them to eat a high-carb diet and avoid fats. Only now is it being recognised that previous advice was and remains useless, dangerous and scientifically illiterate"