by chris c Sat Sep 05 2015, 21:19
Yeah there's such a lack of comprehension that because Type 1s have uncontrollable BG on a high carb diet, they don't IF they cut the carbs.
One of my early inspirations was an American Type 1 with awesome control, which he achieved by low carbing and using minimal insulin, and a lot of testing and shooting correction doses when neccessary. Rarely he would hypo but always caught them early with glucose tabs. Some of his posts were like a running commentary on what an intact pancreas does naturally.
He also knew a LOT about Type 2, having been initially misdiagnosed, which is also true of a small number of other Type 1s.
He was a big fan of Ultralente as a basal before it was taken off the market (I think he shot it 3 times a day) and HATED NPH for its unpredictability. He didn't get on with Lantus, I think he switched to Levemir but again shot it three times a day to adjust his basal rates according to his requirements - he had IR which varied a lot over the day much like a classic Type 2.
He stopped posting after continued harrassment from another Type 1 on a pump with lousy control. Go figure.