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American Diabetes Association Embraces Low-Carbohydrate Diets. Can You Believe It? - Thu Jun 04 2015, 22:50

This is an old post from Richard Feinman but I was alerted to a recent comment (Tuesday)which sums up perfectly in my opinion all that is wrong with with the way LowCarb is perceived by the likes of the ADA and DUK.

I have a good idea who chrisc is, an old friend and scourge of the antis from DCUK

chrisc wrote:chris c says:
June 2, 2015 at 1:23 pm
For the best part of a decade now, to my knowledge, the ADA have slated low carb diets “because there are no long term studies”. If they had started one ten years ago they would have had ten years of results. However they would probably have lost ten years of sponsorship.
During that decade, on their very own forum, as on most other diabetes forums and newsgroups, there has been a succession of success stories. Hundreds if not thousands of anecdotes remain anecdotes, while studies of small numbers of patients bought and paid for by the Sugar Bureau are “data”.
When John Buse was in charge they decided that low carb diets were permitted only for weight loss, not glycemic control, for a maximum of a year, and not lower than 135g carbs. The result was that some of their sponsors pulled their money, if I recall correctly General Mills and Cadbury Schweppes.
Most of these successes come from controlling peak postprandial blood glucose using this or similar techniques

despite numerous requests this has never been subjected to a trial, not even the meter manufacturers and importers in many countries have shown any interest in sponsoring such a trial. Obviously no drug company, carbohydrate processor or margarine manufacturer would increase sales from such a trial, and since these are most of the sponsors not only of the ADA but the AHA, ADieteticA, and equivalent “charities” in most other countries, I predict no such trial will ever be funded.
Meanwhile have a look at the prices and side effects of some of the new “diabetes drugs” and gnash your teeth

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