by Andy12345 Sat Sep 27 2014, 19:02
im glad you asked lol its beyond great, basically....
you make a free account at geocachers hide treasure...well little pots, film cases, lunch boxes, buckets with lids, anything that is weather proof.... at a location in the countryside, town, high street anywhere, your not allow to bury it but it can be hidden up a tree, in a pipe, in a drain thats accessable etc etc, each cache is rate on its terrain 1-5 and difficulty to find 1-5 you can download the app and use a gps on a smart phone via the app or as we did buy a hand held gps, you look at the website decide which one or ones to go after, go to that location, then follow your gps to the longtitude latitude co ordinates, then with 20 feet of the co ordinates the cache is hidden, some are easy some are hard, on the app there are clues if your stuck sometimes and when you find it you record a findit and leave a message, it records how many you found etc and there is always a little book where you sign your name and date it, in the bigger ones there are little things like badges, little toys, soldiers, foreign coins, rubbers there really unusaul things too sometimes a trackable by gps toy which you take to another cache and the person who hid it tracks it around the world, if you take something you have to leave something of equal or greater value, we but those little toys on the shops counters and leave them (even when we dont take) its lovely when the kids find something they want, it can be worthless little thing but they treasure it more than there £500 toys, if you looked i guarentee there would be 1000s in your area, they are all over the world, theres a map on that site, its incredible, most are alone country paths etc out of the way, the only rule is "muggles" which are people not geocaching mustnt see you retrieve it so it is a secret from anyone that isnt geocaching, the other day we was doing puzzle geocache, oh yeah there are puzzle ones where your go to the location to get a clue to the next and there get another clue and so on and some you have to do maths all kind of puzzles some way too hard for us lol but anyway, the other day we had to find a sign on a church the clue was something like 1st line 3rd word 2nd line 5th word and so on, the number of letters in that word was the next coordinate on the long lat gps, you fill out on your notepad and solve the clue to find the cache, its brilliant, free, fun for all ages and fantastic exercise for any level or ability